Jargar Viola Strings – SET


Jargar Viola Strings, choice of tensions and G & C strings. Price includes economy shipping within the UK.

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Jargar Viola strings are well regarded steel core strings. They have a smooth tone with power and definition together with longevity and playability. The manufacturers encourage experimentation in using these strings in mixed sets with other brands. The A string is often used separately in this way usually to enhance the top end for a more powerful upper register.

The strings are available in three tensions, Forte(High) – Medium – Dolce(Low) and the A string can be ordered with a ball or loop end. The G and C strings can be either Chrome or silver wound. The silver version being slightly warmer in sound.

For further information visit the manufacturer’s site

Additional information

String or Full Set

SET-normal set with Chrome Windings, SET with Silver Wound G and C, SET with only a Silver G, SET with only a Silver C

A String Loop or Ball end

Ball, Loop


Forte (High), Medium, Dolce (Low)


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